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Discover our new online tools* SIMOstatics for structural analysis and SIMOmaterials for material selection. They complement SIMCHEM, our proven online database for chemical resistance. With SmartTank we also offer you a professional tank calculation software, which has been enhanced by many functions in the current release 3.0. Register with mySIMONA and get all the functions of SIMCHEM as well as access to our online tools.

Competent. Comprehensive. SIMCHEM.

SIMCHEM online is a reliable and comprehensive guide when it comes to determining the chemical resistance of materials used in our products. It lists more than 4,500 substances and proprietary products. It also includes valuable information about our products and materials.

Fast. Accurate. SIMOstatics.

Do you need a structural analysis for buried pipes according to ATV-DVWK-A 127?

SIMOstatics supports you in providing us with the necessary information for structural analysis tailored to your specific requirements – simple and efficient.

Simple. Independent. SIMOmaterials.

Do you need help in selecting the right material for a specific substance?

Or perhaps you require reliable information on the service life of your piping system? When using SIMOmaterials simply enter the operating temperature to receive an initial recommendation of suitable materials.

All information furnished herein reflects our scope of knowledge at the point of publication. The information furnished shall not constitute the provision of legally binding guarantees as to specific product-related properties or their suitability for specific areas of application. We shall assume no liability for the application, utilisation, processing or other use of this information or of our products. Furthermore, we shall assume no liability for any consequences related thereto. The user is obliged to examine the quality and properties of these products; he shall be fully responsible for selecting, applying, utilising and processing said products. We provide warranty for the faultless quality of our products within the framework of our Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale.