Kontakt Contact

SIMONA Academy is a highly professional and trusted partner when it comes to conveying specialist knowledge in the field of plastics engineering. As a customer and business partner, you always take centre stage: choose from our extensive portfolio of training courses or get in touch with us so that we can draw up a personalised training programme tailored to your specific requirements.

Our lecturers and training course tutors respond to new technical challenges encountered in their day-to-day work with the passion and dedication one would expect from true professionals. At the same time, they are committed to keeping abreast of all the latest developments. More than 1,500 customers and business partners have already taken advantage of our professional education courses. You too will benefit!

You can opt for our general range of training courses or personalised training courses.

Our services

The following topics are covered in all SIMONA Academy training courses:

  • Overview: Material basics
  • Information: Technical characteristics
  • SIMONA company presentation  

The participation fee includes:

  • Training course documentation
  • Certificate of participation
  • Beverages during the training course
  • Evening social event on first evening (if training courses last several days)
  • Light lunch

We have agreed special rates with several hotels in close proximity to the training course venue. Please feel free to contact us for further details.